GIS Program Development

Thinking about a GIS Program for your organization? Then you may be thinking about cost justification for a good program and trying to answer questions about
software types and prices, adding extra staff, and expanding computing abilities.
The time between identification of the need for a GIS program and
realizing what it takes to actually get there can be a little overwhelming at times. It’s not the same as purchasing a new piece of office equipment or
deciding to offer a new product. A lot of effort should go into this planning stage to make sure the right path is selected that makes the most sense for
your organization.
AGI professionals are familiar with the steps needed to bring a quality, value-added GIS program to life, and have experience implementing programs in a wide
variety of offices and organizations. Implementation of a successful program can involve:
- GIS Needs Assessment
- Software/Hardware Acquisition
- Data Development and Acquisition
- Staff Training
- Ongoing GIS Management Plan
- Implementation Evaluation
GIS Needs Assessment
The logical and critical first step in the development of a GIS program is the initiation of a GIS Needs Assessment. Similar to a good business plan,
implementing a needs assessment prior to launching a GIS program helps ensure that the development of the program is justified, that it will be cost
effective, and most importantly, that it becomes a value-added program.
The addition of a GIS program, or the expansion of an existing program, should allow your organization to do something it doesn’t now do, increase the value
of your services, and/or increase the efficiency of existing business processes. It is wise to launch such a program with a defined plan as to what the GIS
will do, what resources it will require, and what the true purpose will be.
A GIS Needs Assessment can consist of a simple one or two page document laying out a basic design for GIS end use, software purchases, data assemblage or
development, training and identifying staff or outside support to maintain the GIS program. At the other end of the spectrum, and depending on organization
size, the needs assessment can also be a significant effort and involve extensive staff interviews, exploration of office processes and existing data,
assessment of data flow, storage, and management, and hardware expansion, the end result of which can be a thorough and detailed document.
Software/Hardware Acquisition
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